Circular regarding Environmental guidelines for poultry farms in light of NGT order (dated – 21.01.2022)-APPCB.
View PdfCircular regarding Environmental guidelines for poultry farms in light of NGT order (dated – 21.01.2022)-APPCB.
- The Hon’ble NGT vide its order dated. 10.12.2021 in the matter of O.A. No. 320/2021 (Gauri Maulekhi Vs Union of India & Ors) has directed to make these guidelines applicable for poultry farms having birds above 5000 and SPCBs will require enforcement of consent mechanism under the Air, Water & EP Act after 01.01.2021.
- All the ROs are instructed to implementation of the “Environmental Guidelines for poultry farms”. It is mentioned that the new Guidelines will be applicable for new poultry farms established after issuance of Guidelines. The details of siting crit eria and regulatory / monitoring mechanism, refer attachment for further details.