Implementation of Circular on ‘Guidelines in pursuance of a(KRA) Regulations, 2011’ (dated-27.07.2022) – SEBI.
View PdfImplementation of Circular on ‘Guidelines in pursuance of a(KRA) Regulations, 2011’ (dated-27.07.2022) – SEBI.
In this regard, considering the KRA’s request for extension of the timeline for applicability of the said clauses 9 and 13, it has mendment to SEBI KYC (Know Your client) Registration Agency
- been decided that:
- 1. KYC records of all existing clients (who have used Aadhaar as an OVD) shall be validated within a period of 180 days from November 01, 2022.
- 2. The validation of all KYC records (new and existing) shall commence from November 01, 2022, refer attachment for further details.