Notification on updated Rates of Exchange under Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235) (dated 04/09/2023) – Department of Customs

  • 08th, September 2023
  • compfie_wp
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– Notification on updated Rates of Exchange under Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235) (dated 04/09/2023) – Department of Customs.

  • All duties of Customs as well as other charges, penalties and forfeitures incurred under the Customs Ordinance (Chapter 235), shall be paid, and received at the Rates of Exchange set out in the Schedule with effect from 04th September, 2023. The notification relating to the Rates of Exchange published in Gazette Extraordinary, No. 2347/01 of 28th August 2023 is hereby rescinded. Please refer notification for more details.
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