Amended notification of the Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rule, 2021 (Notification dated – 25.06.2021) – Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change
View PdfAmended notification of the Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rule, 2021 (Notification dated – 25.06.2021) – Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change
This notification has come into effect from 25.06.2021.
In the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, in rule 3, in sub-rule (8), in clause (1), for item (ii), the Following item shall be substituted, namely:
- “ (ii) In case of coal washeries, middling and rejects to be utilized in any Thermal Power Plants, subject to the said Thermal Power Plant complying with the stipulated emission and fly ash norms as specified in Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change notification number S.O. 3305 (E) dated the 7th December, 2015, read with the notification number S.O. 763 (E), dated the 14th September, 1999 and its amendments [vide numbers S.O. 979 (E), dated the 27th August, 2003, S.O. 2804 (E), dated the 3rd November, 2009 and S.O. 254(E) dated 25th January, 2016] and related subsequent notifications and amendments issued from time to time”.