Notice to Persons, who have differed Tax Facility- Issuance of Credit Vouchers belonging to Legacy Period (dated 01/09/2023) – Inland Revenue Department

  • 08th, September 2023
  • compfie_wp
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– Notice to Persons, who have differed Tax Facility- Issuance of Credit Vouchers belonging to Legacy Period (dated 01/09/2023) – Inland Revenue Department.

  • Large amount of credit vouchers to be issued for the tax credit differed upon import in relation to legacy period from August 01, 2002 to December 31, 2015, in submitting tax returns on value added tax (VAT). Hence it has been informed that request can be made for such credit vouchers (if any) relevant to the above legacy period in the prescribed format as mentioned in the notice before September 30, 2023. Please refer notice for more details.
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