Notification on Imports and Exports (Control) Regulations No. 13 of 2023 (dated 29/08/2023) – Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies

  • 04th, September 2023
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– Notification on Imports and Exports (Control) Regulations No. 13 of 2023 (dated 29/08/2023) – Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies.

  • The Director General, Sri Lanka Customs is hereby authorized to release any Cargo/Consignment of goods, which were regulated by the Imports and Exports (Control) Regulations No. 10 of 2023, referred in the Regulation No. 2, during the period of June 14, 2023 to August 28, 2023, as per provisions of the Customs Ordinance without demanding an Import Control License effective from 29th August, 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
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