Order of imposition of Special Levy on other fresh Eggs of fowls under Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 (dated- 19.05.2023)- Ministry of Finance

  • 02nd, June 2023
  • compfie_wp
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– Order of imposition of Special Levy on other fresh Eggs of fowls under Special Commodity Levy Act, No. 48 of 2007 (dated- 19.05.2023)- Ministry of Finance.

  • The Ministry of Finance, vide an order imposes a Special Commodity Levy with respect to the importation of other fresh Eggs of fowls by waiving off the balance amount after collecting Rs. 1 per kg from the applicable Special Commodity levy of Rs. 50 per kg, classified under the HS Code of 0407.21 This Order shall be valid for a period of three (03) months commencing from May 21, 2023. Please refer to the order for more details.
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