Order regarding international travellers-restrictions for Covid-19 containment on Covid-19 Variant B.1.1.529 Omicron (dated- 02.12.2021) – Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir.

  • 04th, December 2021
  • compfie_wp
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Order regarding international travellers-restrictions for Covid-19 containment on Covid-19 Variant B.1.1.529 Omicron (dated- 02.12.2021) – Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir.

  • Rigorous screening and conduct of Covid-19 RT-PCR test shall be made mandatory at the Srinagar International Airport for international arrivals as per the guidelines issued from time to time by MOHFW.
  • Any person found Covid-19 positive shall be quarantined (Institutional) and treated as per standard protocol. The sample of positive cases shall be sent to the designated INSACOG Genome sequencing lab.
  • Close tracking and testing of the contracts of travellers who have tested positive as per MOHFW guidelines shall be adhered to, refer attachment for further details.
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